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    "Justin at Alchemy Marketing is a marketing mastermind. He has worked with our company on every aspect of marketing including PPC, graphic design, mobile website optimization, media buying, billboard procurement and design and mass mail outs to name a few. Justin is very data driven and has a knack for pulling out insights that help our business optimize our advertising budget. I would recommend Alchemy to anybody looking to grow their online presence and drive more traffic to their website."

    Tom Tilaro, owner

    "Justin has been a pleasure to work with. His expertise, creativity, and promptness keep us happy customers. 90% of our customers come see us because of how well our google ad words campaign is managed. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his website development and ability to utilize online marketing. Thanks Justin!"

    David Anderson, owner

    "Justin and his crew at Alchemy Marketing are the bomb-diggity! Everything I need, and everything I envision, comes to life quickly and effectively through their expertise. When I'm not sure what I want or need, Justin's suggestions always point in the right direction!"

    Karen Pelot, owner
    Alchemy Marketing
    150 E Robinson St. Orlando, FL 32801
    (407) 809-4090

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    Find Local Sponsorships for Linkbuilding

    Linkbuilding doesn’t always have to be a huge, nationwide ordeal. Instead, you can look closer to home to find linkbuilding opportunities, such as local sponsorships.

    In this article, we’ll discuss different methods to gain links from local sponsorships.

    How to find Local Sponsorships for Links

    Think about all of the different organizations, nonprofits, charities, or sports teams near your business that accept sponsorships. Here is a list of some that you may be able to find.

    • Local Sports Teams: It’s hard to find a Little League, youth soccer, or adult softball jersey without a couple of company’s logos printed on the back. So, reach out to these sports organizations to see if a sponsorship can also land you a link. Chances are that they have a page on their website dedicated to sponsors anyway, so you’ll have good success with this one.
    • Clubs and Organizations: Other clubs and organizations such as school musical groups, theater groups, chess clubs, boy or girl scouts, etc. are also typically in the market for sponsors. Reach out to your local elementary, middle, or high school to see if there are any linkbuilding opportunities through their clubs.
    • Charity or Nonprofit: On top of the fact that making a difference in your community is awesome and probably much needed, charities or nonprofits may be able to hand out a link as well. Find out if they have a sponsorship or donors page on their website that would show that they can link out to you.

    If you’ve exhausted all of these options, just do a quick search on Google with your area and “sponsorship opportunities.” You’ll be sure to find something to throw your money at for a link.

    Orlando local sponsorships Google search