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    "Justin at Alchemy Marketing is a marketing mastermind. He has worked with our company on every aspect of marketing including PPC, graphic design, mobile website optimization, media buying, billboard procurement and design and mass mail outs to name a few. Justin is very data driven and has a knack for pulling out insights that help our business optimize our advertising budget. I would recommend Alchemy to anybody looking to grow their online presence and drive more traffic to their website."

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    "Justin and his crew at Alchemy Marketing are the bomb-diggity! Everything I need, and everything I envision, comes to life quickly and effectively through their expertise. When I'm not sure what I want or need, Justin's suggestions always point in the right direction!"

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    150 E Robinson St. Orlando, FL 32801
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    How to Get More Online Reviews for your Business

    Reviews are everywhere online now. It’s virtually impossible to find a product or service without noticing reviews before purchasing. That’s a very good thing. If you see a product or service with good reviews, it puts you at ease. Other people have been where you are, made this purchase, and came out better off in the end.

    In this tutorial, we’re going to go over the different ways that you can maximize the number of reviews for your business.

    Brick-and-Mortar Business

    Don’t have a brick-and-mortar location? Click here to skip to your section of the tutorial.

    Having a brick-and-mortar location gives you significantly more opportunities to ask for reviews than simply having a website. Let’s look at them now.

    Point-of-Purchase Signage

    Point-of-purchase (POP) is wherever the sale is made in your store. So, chances are, it’s at the cash register (or iPad if you’re a fancy, millennial store). It’s especially important to put it here and not before the purchase because you’re looking for reviews from happy customers.

    If they’re buying from your store, they’re most likely assuming that they’ll be happy with the product. So, make a fancy, branded “REVIEW US” sign that you stick right in front of the register. Hopefully, the customer glances at it during the transaction.

    Example of a review point-of-purchase sign Here’s an example design. But we don’t really have a Google Review page or Yelp for The SEO Checklist. You can share this post with a friend instead. ๐Ÿ™‚


    I really can’t remember the last time that I said yes to the question, “Would you like a receipt?” However, I’ve seen many people that do.

    Take advantage of that little piece of paper that you’re constantly handing out and write a small line of text asking the customer to review you.

    This is even better if you have a fancy iPad that gives the customer the option of having the receipt emailed to them. That way, you can include a quick link to the review page, making it significantly easier and more enticing to leave a review.

    Good, Old-Fashioned Talking

    The obvious benefit of having a brick-and-mortar location to promote your online reviews is the fact that you have a face-to-face interaction with the customer. So, if they mention that they like your store or your product, ask them to please leave that in a review online.

    You can let them know that it really helps you out and they’ll be more likely to leave one. Just make sure that you’re not too pushy with it because you don’t want to make them uncomfortable.

    Employee Perks

    If you have multiple employees working at your store, consider holding a contest with rewards to those that get online reviews or get mentioned in them.

    There’s nothing quite like the thrill of friendly competition when it comes to getting results and, in this case, free stuff.

    Online Business

    While having an online business doesn’t grant you the benefit of being able to ask the customer for a review in person, there are a lot of tactics that you can employ to maximize your amount of reviews.

    Follow-Up Email

    If you’re selling a product or service online, I’d be very surprised if you didn’t have your customers’ email addresses. Don’t just throw these in the Recycling Bin on your desktop after the transaction. Instead, set up an automatic email that sends out to the customer a few days after the transaction.

    In the email, be sure to thank them for their business and include an easy link to leave a review.

    It’s best to not send the email immediately after they’ve received the product or service because they haven’t had time to use it yet. You want to wait until they’ve had an ample amount of time to understand the value of your product so that they feel more compelled to leave a review.

    This delayed follow-up email can be set up using MailChimp. The method that we use is to set up a receipt/confirmation email when the purchase has been made. Then, you can set up another trigger to send a follow-up X number of days after the confirmation has been sent. Let me know in the comments if you’d like an in-depth tutorial on this and I’ll show you exactly how.

    Confirmation Email or Receipt

    As mentioned in the section above, I don’t recommend asking for a review immediately after a transaction or form submission. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t send the user to look at your already existing reviews. Assuming your customers have good things to say about your business, this will put them at ease about the decision that they just made or are considering making and plants the seed in their mind that you care about your reviews. If they’re happy after using your product or service, they’ll know that they can give back a little by leaving a review.

    Email timeline
    • Purchase or Form Submission – So, you’ve done it. You’ve either gotten a sale or a form submission from a user on your site.
    • Confirmation email telling them to read customers’ reviews – Now it’s time to send out a confirmation email that you’ve received their sale or form submission. Since you have their attention, also include a link to what your other customers have said in their reviews. This will let them know that you appreciate online reviews and put them at ease about their purchase or form submission.
    • Wait X number of days – You don’t want to send out an email asking for a review immediately after completing the job or sale. They won’t have enough time to actually know how they feel about it. So, play the waiting game.
    • Follow-up email asking for review – After a sufficient amount of time, you should go ahead and make the ask. They should have had enough time to use your service or product to know how they feel about it. This is the best time to reach out about a review.

    On-Site Widget

    An on-site widget or plugin allows you to not only show off your already earned reviews but also gives you an easy, noticeable spot to link to your review pages for new ones. This is especially important if your website is meant to be returned to often by your customers.

    If they’re constantly on your site, having the widget there will be a reminder that you would appreciate a review.

    A simple search for a review widget will grant you plenty of viable options, so just find the one that fits your taste the most.