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    "Justin at Alchemy Marketing is a marketing mastermind. He has worked with our company on every aspect of marketing including PPC, graphic design, mobile website optimization, media buying, billboard procurement and design and mass mail outs to name a few. Justin is very data driven and has a knack for pulling out insights that help our business optimize our advertising budget. I would recommend Alchemy to anybody looking to grow their online presence and drive more traffic to their website."

    Tom Tilaro, owner

    "Justin has been a pleasure to work with. His expertise, creativity, and promptness keep us happy customers. 90% of our customers come see us because of how well our google ad words campaign is managed. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his website development and ability to utilize online marketing. Thanks Justin!"

    David Anderson, owner

    "Justin and his crew at Alchemy Marketing are the bomb-diggity! Everything I need, and everything I envision, comes to life quickly and effectively through their expertise. When I'm not sure what I want or need, Justin's suggestions always point in the right direction!"

    Karen Pelot, owner
    Alchemy Marketing
    150 E Robinson St. Orlando, FL 32801
    (407) 809-4090

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    Accessibility Features: Tips From a Web Design Firm on Making Your Website Accessible to All

    Creating accessible websites is no longer just a recommendation; it’s a necessity. In a world where digital access can equal opportunity, ensuring your website is navigable and usable by everyone, including those with disabilities, is crucial. At our web design firm, where we offer comprehensive web design services for just $200 per month, we prioritize accessibility not only as a matter of compliance but as a core element of inclusive design. Our approach ensures that your website is not only accessible but also provides a seamless user experience for a broader audience. In this article, we’ll explore the essential accessibility features that every website should incorporate, providing insight into how these features benefit users and your business alike.

    Understanding Web Accessibility

    Web accessibility means making websites usable for everyone, including people with disabilities like vision impairment, hearing loss, and mobility challenges. This inclusivity ensures equal access to information and functionality, which is essential in today’s digitally-driven world. By focusing on accessibility, businesses can reach a wider audience, improve their SEO, and demonstrate social responsibility.

    • Compliance with standards: Following WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) ensures your site meets legal and ethical standards.
    • Broader audience reach: Making your site accessible increases your potential user base.
    • SEO benefits: Accessible websites often rank higher in search engine results, improving visibility.
    Web accessibility online internet website computer for people with disabilities blue keyboard

    Designing for Visual Accessibility

    Design plays a significant role in making websites accessible to users with visual impairments. This includes considerations for color contrast, font size, and alternative text for images. By implementing these design principles, we ensure that all users can navigate and interact with websites comfortably and effectively.

    • High contrast colors: Use colors that stand out against each other to help users with vision impairments distinguish different elements.
    • Resizable text: Ensure text size can be increased up to 200% without loss of content or functionality.
    • Alt text for images: Provide descriptive alternative text for images, which aids users who rely on screen readers.

    Ensuring Auditory Accessibility

    For users with hearing impairments, providing text alternatives for audio content is essential. This can include captions for videos, transcripts for audio clips, and ensuring that all navigation can be completed without sound. By doing so, we guarantee that your message is conveyed effectively to all users, regardless of their hearing ability.

    • Captions for videos: Offer accurate and synchronous captions for all video content.
    • Transcripts for audio materials: Provide text transcripts for audio content, including podcasts and interviews.
    • Visual indicators: Use visual cues alongside auditory alerts to ensure information is accessible.

    Enhancing Keyboard Navigation

    Many users with mobility impairments rely on keyboard navigation to interact with websites. Ensuring your site is fully navigable via keyboard alone is a critical aspect of accessibility. This includes clear focus indicators, logical tab order, and skip links to bypass repetitive content.

    • Logical tab order: Arrange elements in a logical sequence for navigation using the Tab key.
    • Clear focus indicators: Highlight interactive elements when they receive focus to aid keyboard navigation.
    • Skip links: Implement skip navigation links allowing users to jump to main content or sections quickly.
    Web accessibility online internet website computer for people with disabilities blue keyboard

    Cognitive Accessibility Features

    Cognitive accessibility involves designing web experiences that accommodate users with cognitive, learning, and neurological disabilities. This includes clear language, consistent navigation, and the avoidance of automatic media and pop-ups that can be disorienting or distracting.

    • Simplified language and instructions: Use plain language and clear instructions to aid understanding.
    • Consistent navigation: Maintain consistent layout and navigation patterns to avoid confusion.
    • Avoidance of automatic media: Prevent videos or audio from playing automatically to avoid overwhelming users with cognitive disabilities.

    Mobile Accessibility

    With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets to access the web, mobile accessibility has become a critical component of web design. This involves designing responsive websites that are easy to navigate and interact with on touch screens, ensuring all features and content are accessible on mobile devices.

    • Responsive design: Ensure your website’s design adjusts smoothly to fit the screen size of various devices.
    • Large touch targets: Make buttons and links easy to tap by increasing their size.
    • Accessible forms: Design forms with accessibility in mind, including label associations and clear error messages.

    Accessible Content Strategy

    An accessible content strategy ensures that all users can understand and engage with your website’s content. This involves using headings correctly to structure content, providing clear calls to action, and ensuring that all information conveyed through color is also available in text form.

    • Use of headings: Utilize proper heading levels to organize content logically and facilitate navigation for screen reader users.
    • Clear calls to action: Make sure calls to action are concise and prominently placed, accessible to all users.
    • Color-independent information: Convey information without relying solely on color, ensuring it’s accessible to those with color vision deficiencies.
    Middle age senior woman sitting at the table

    Continuous Accessibility Testing

    Accessibility is not a one-time task but an ongoing commitment. Regular testing, including automated tools, user feedback, and consulting with accessibility experts, ensures that your website remains accessible to everyone, adapting to new technologies and guidelines.

    • Automated accessibility checks: Utilize tools to identify and fix common accessibility issues.
    • User testing with disabled participants: Gather feedback from users with disabilities to understand their experience and challenges.
    • Expert consultations: Work with accessibility consultants to ensure your website meets all relevant guidelines and best practices.


    At our web design firm, we understand that an accessible website is key to reaching a wider audience and creating a positive impact on society. By integrating these accessibility features into your website for just $200 per month, you not only comply with legal standards but also enhance the user experience for all visitors. Remember, an accessible web is an inclusive web, and by prioritizing accessibility, you’re making a statement about your brand’s values and commitment to all users. Let’s work together to create more accessible digital spaces, one website at a time.