Linking to Social Media
Don’t worry, this article won’t be another lecture about how important social media is. We’re all on it and we all know the value that it holds. Instead, we’re going to discuss best practices for linking to your social media from your website and where to put the links for maximum conversions.
What are social media linking best practices? Placement for maximum conversion should be front of mind. But let’s jump right into it and cover all our bases.
Social Media Linking Best Practices
Social media platforms have the potential to offer tremendous marketing and selling opportunities. So, you should be thinking strategically about how, where, and when you send your user off-site to your social media.
Here are some tips to make the most of your social media links.
Only Link to Actively Managed Platforms
Make sure that all of the social media links are your site are being actively managed. You can spend all the time you want on your website, optimizing it and making it beautiful, but that all goes down the drain when the user clicks on your twitter icon and sees this.
Here’s an example of a lone twitter account that was never set up entirely. Poor thing.
Not only are they now off-site, but they’re seeing a complete lack of effort. At this point, it’s very unlikely that the user will navigate back to your site and convert.
Even when you’re just starting out with a new platform, you may be tempted to link to it immediately. However, I advise you to get a good amount of content posted before you add the link to your site.
You wouldn’t tell your party guests to come over before you’ve set everything up to look nice and pretty, would you? Of course not – you’re trying to impress them and get them to stay.
Only Include Linked Icons
Search for “Social Media Icons” and you’re going to see a rainbow of a million different social media apps. Don’t just slap them all in your footer and call it day, leaving a third of them unlinked.
Only include the icons of the platforms that you or your company actually has an account on, so that they are all clickable links.
Update Your Icons
Even over a year after Instagram shocked the Internet with their logo change in May of 2016, many companies and websites still use the outdated app icon.
If you want to show that you’re adaptable and actively managing your social media, you should keep your social media icons updated.
Where to Put Social Media Links on a Website
Strategically placing your social media links on your site can mean more conversions, or less, if done incorrectly.
Step 1: Understand Your Goal
Ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish with your website or a specific page.
Do you want the user to…
…scroll down, read all of the information, and submit a form?
…find the product that they’re looking for, add it their cart, and check out?
…find your location information and visit your brick-and-mortar store?
…read about your services and give you a call?
Step 2: Place Your Icons Based on Your Goal
Once you understand your goal, you need to ask yourself:
Does sending your user to your social media help reach this goal?
If the answer is yes, make the icons very prominent and put them before the final conversion.
For example, if you want your user to submit a form and think that visiting your social media would help convince them to, make sure that the icons appear before the form does.
If the answer is no but you still want to push some traffic to your social media, place the icons after the conversion funnel to ensure that sending them off-site isn’t interfering with your website optimization.
The footer of your website would be a good place because it means that the user has already been through all of the information on the page, lowering the risk of sending them off-site when they’re still in the funnel.
Place Icons After a Conversion or Submission
Regardless of how you answered the above questions, it’s a great strategy to display your social media links and ask users to follow you just after they converted or submitted information in some way.
This way, your social media won’t get in the way of your conversions, because they’re already onboard with your product or service. Why not encourage them to be a part of your network?